1. Before deciding to use FIBER HOUSE’s services
1.1 Estimate budget online, free from any charge, Free Quotation, given that you provide the following information.
– Site-photos, at least two to three of them, in different angles
– A sketch showing the approximate size of the working area, the width x length in meter
(we will have a site survey to conclude the accurate size and detailed information to come up with a design)
– Name of the housing project with a complete address
– Name of the contact person with telephone number and e-mail address
Fill in the above -mentioned information on the web page Free Quotation . Otherwise, you can send you information to Line ID: fiberhouse, or e-mail: [email protected]

1.2 Estimate budget on site survey. There is a service charge of 3,000 baht (the fee is taken as a deposit, and will become a discount when you have a deal with us). The service on site is available everyday from Monday to Sunday, please make an appointment in advance, by informing us the following:
– Name of the housing project with a complete address (either a map or a shared location on google map is appreciated)
– Name of the contact person, with telephone number and e-mail address
Please send us the details to Line ID: fiberhouse, or e-mail: [email protected].

2. After agreeing to use FIBER HOUSE’s services
– Approve the quotation via e-mail, line, or a telephone call. We will send you an invoice of first deposit, together with the bank information for payment transfer.
– Set a work schedule by 3 days after the payment is made.
– Propose a 3D-perspective design about 14 days prior to the beginning of work.
– A receipt in soft file will be delivered by 3 days after the payment is confirmed at the bank account, the original one will be sent via a postal mail (please provide us your mailing address).

(Usually, the site work begins no later than 30-45 days after the first payment. However, it also depends upon the volumes of work at the time of your confirmation.)

3. While working on site
– In case that a permission from a housing central office or concerning juristic person (corporation) is required, you are asked to coordinate with them for the permission, and inform us when it is approved. Also, any deposit (if needed) will be shouldered by you in full amount.
(Nevertheless, if there is any damage occerred from us, it will be our responsibility to compensate you according to the actual loss occurred.)
– Any procedure in relation to governmental sector, such as the district or municipality, will be under your responsibility.
– To facilitate the work, you are requested to prepare an area to work in with basic utilities (like electricity, water supply, and toilet). As well, please arrange enough space for our setup, such as a carport.

4. During a period of guarantee by FIBER HOUSE
– If you require consultations on product maintenance or adaptation, you can always contact us at hotline number 085-108-4410.
– If you find any problems from the structure, or any leaks, please inform us. We will set an appointment for repairs within 14 days after your notification.
(You are requested to point out problems exactly in a clear and complete detail with a video clip and photos to help us deal with problems accurately and effectively.)